Q & A

  • How long do I wait after payment for a Services for a response?

I do my best to respond as soon as I am able to.  But, I do have a day job and often I am in sessions/appointments all day long, 6 days a week and then do any Assessments/Removals in the evening.  But my goal is to get back to you within 24 hours at the least, 48 hours at the latest.  Obviously if I am out of town, if it's a Sunday (I don't work on Sundays), or during a holiday period, it may be delayed, but if I am away or unavailable, it will be posted on Contact and Request Services pages. . If there is any other delay beyond this for any reason and I am in town/available, then I will let you know.  Emotional Energetic Clearing Sessions require a day/time that works for both of us, so we will need to sort that out as well as the best way for us to do the session (Skype/FaceTime/etc.). 

  • Do I pay up front for a soul/ghost/spirit/entity/demon Removal?

No.  You would first choose the Assessment service and then pay that fee.  This allows me to first check in and see what I find. If I am unable to find anything at the moment, then I will let you know.  If there is a soul/ghost/spirit/entity/demon(s), I will let you know what I pull up and you can decide from there if you want to proceed and purchase an appropriate Removal service. 

  • Once a soul/ghost/spirit/entity/demon is Removed, will it come back?

No.  At least not the same one.  Your body/space will be clear of souls/ghost/spirits/entities/demons when I am done and they will have been “passed over to the other side" or Removed and dealt with in the case of an entity or demon.  It does not however prevent other/different ones from coming around or attaching in the future.  Sometimes there is an energetic or emotional “hook” or "weakness in the energy field" of a person that draws certain souls/ghosts/spirits/entities/demons towards that person.  Sometimes a person is sensitive and a soul/ghost/spirit is looking for help or assistance because the soul/ghost/spirit is stuck. In this situation, it may be a learning experience for the individual to learn how to harness and develop their gifts.  If there are any outstanding conditions such as this occurring, I will be happy to let you know.  

  • How should I feel once a soul/ghost/spirit/entity/demon is removed?

Often times, a person feels a sense of relief when a soul/ghost/spirit/entity/demon is no longer around them -- they feel more at peace, life becomes calmer, whatever they were experiencing may have stopped, diminished, or improved, etc.  From my experience, sometimes it is immediate for people, other times it can take a little bit of time for some people to feel the relief and /or mentally let go and accept that the soul/ghost/spirit/entity/demon is no longer present.  It may take a different amount of time for each person to process and accept the change.  If there is any residual energy left, I will do my best to clear that residual energy out after the soul/ghost/spirit/entity/demons are removed. ** For more specific personal accounts of Removal, please see the Testimonials section for more direct feedback from past and present clients.**

  • Can you remove all souls/ghosts/spirits/entities/demons?

No. Based on my experience, I can remove 95% of souls/ghosts/spirits that have not passed over.  In approximately 5% of the cases, I am told from Above that I am not allowed to as there is a reason why the soul/ghost/spirit is still here on this plane.  In this instance, I will let you know what I find and there will be no fee for removal of the soul/ghost/spirit as there will not be any clearing of that soul/ghost/spirit at this time.  If you have paid a fee in this case, it will be promptly refunded to you.  

In the case of entities or demons, it can be tricky.  These are crafty beings who like to hide and definitely don't like being "handled."  I have a lot of successes with Removals, but in all integrity, I can't claim 100%.  I guess that's part of my evolution as well as demons continuing to attempt to evade detection and Removal. Also,  some individuals seem to have reoccurring issues with entities and demons, especially those who are here to do good or have the potential to do good.  In these instances, sometimes several Removals are needed over time in order to keep a person clear.  I do my best to try and help these individuals as continued, ongoing issues can be quite disturbing!  Is there a way to keep them away "forever?"  Not to my knowledge, unfortunately.  I have yet to find anyone or anything on this planet that can keep them away forever, but as I mentioned on Protections page, there are ways to try and help against attachments. 

  • What if I have multiple souls/ghosts/spirits/entities or demons around me?

For the cost of one Clearing session, I will remove all existing souls/ghosts/spirits and entities/demons that are around  you and/or your home or business property (based on package selected and paid for) at the time (that I can find) and clean up any residual energy.  I am not responsible for any future souls/ghosts/spirits/entities/or demons that may attach themselves to you.  If there is situation such as drugs, alcohol, visiting seedy places or engaging in seedy activity, or any other situation predisposing you to attachment OR the opposite - you are a Light Worker and/or are here to do good or have the potential to do good, then I will do my best to let you know and also inform you of your options for trying to limit future attachments.

  • Are there other reasons besides a soul/ghost/spirit/entity/demon being around why I might be experiencing issues?

Yes.  Sometimes a person is being overly sensitive to another person or place and picking up energy/emotions from them, and sometimes someone is sending a person negative or some other type of emotional energy.  If I pull up any of these situations, I will let you know and any recommended options.  There are also other valid reasons for issues going on which may be medical, emotional, mental, or spiritual/energetic (but not of a soul/ghost/spirit/entity/demon).  In this case, a person would need to seek appropriate care. 

  • Why aren’t your services free?

Even though my ability to communicate with and pass over souls/ghosts/spirits and remove entities/demons and/or tap into a person’s energy and read it is a gift, it is also something that I have put a tremendous amount of personal time and energy into working with, understanding, and improving, and it takes my personal time and energy away from my own life to do it, which I consider valuable.  There are a lot of folks out there who believe that true gifts should not have a charge.  I disagree. If I were living years ago in a tribe or community and acting as a Shaman or similar, the tribe/community would take care of me in exchange for my services.  In this day and age, we have a different set of rules and as I support others with my gifts, I also allow them to support me back.  We all have gifts – whether one is good at math, singing, athletics, decorating, cooking, etc., these are all in my mind God given gifts and everyone has the right to make a living using them, whether their gift is spiritual or otherwise.  In helping to support others, I also allow them to help support me.  Without that, I wouldn't be free to do the work that I do. 

  • Why aren’t your services more expensive?

I am aware of the fact that there are those out there charging hundreds and thousands of dollars for soul/ghost/spirit/entity/demon removal services. Being that I clear souls/ghosts/spirits/entities/demons the way I do (remotely), I feel it takes less time and energy for me and therefore I don’t feel comfortable charging the amount of money as one who might have to go on location or put a lot more time, energy, and effort into it.  Plus, I also want to make it affordable to anyone who needs help, as ultimately I am here on this planet for Service.  But, as I support others, I also expect to be supported back in a fair manner.  

  • Do your services require you to be physically present?

No.  Soul/ghost/spirit/entity/demon removal can be done remotely, regardless of location.  Emotional Energetic Clearing sessions can both be done via Skype or FaceTime. or in person (for those in the Austin, Texas area). Fees for services paid do not include any travel. English is the only means of communication, though language itself is not a limitation to my ability to do my work, communicate with souls/ghost/spirits/entities/demons, or read a person’s energy. Translation/Interpreter services are not provided and would need to be obtained by the purchaser of services, if required.