What exactly are souls/ghosts/spirits that need to be removed? 

A soul/ghost/spirit that needs to be removed is simply a once living human being that has died, but has not passed over and returned to the Universal Oneness/God/Creator/Source.  Being that we are beings with free will, it is not mandatory or obligatory that we pass over immediately after death, but in most cases it is for our best benefit and interest that we do. 

Why are souls/ghosts/spirits stuck here? 

Souls/ghosts/spirits can be stuck here for several reasons.  Some may have been traumatized by their death experience.  Some might have low self esteem about themselves due to the way they lived their life or afterwards and therefore don’t feel worthy to pass into the Light.  Some still want to be destructive after death in the same way they were destructive while they were alive. Some might not feel ready to give up the earth plane quite yet, for whatever reason.  Sometimes souls/ghosts/spirits stick around for a bit because they feel they have unfinished business, sometimes involving loved ones. If this last situation is the case, then I won't typically try and pass them over unless they are a nuisance to others. 

Why do souls/ghosts/spirits/entities/demons become attracted to an individual? 

There are many different reasons why a person can acquire a soul/ghost/spirit/entity/demon that has chosen to hang around them or become attached.  In some instances, the energy that a person is putting off acts like a beacon to attract a soul/ghost/spirit/entity/demon, such as emotionally emitting anger, depression, a desire for love and companionship, fear, etc. Activities like drugs, alcohol, indiscriminate sex, dark energy activities, lower vibration states, etc. can also sometimes open up a person to attract and be vulnerable to them.  In the case of a ghost/spirit/soul, it might be because it is someone who you knew and feels they have unfinished business to resolve with you or through you. In some cases it might be because you are sensitive individual and the soul/ghost/spirit is looking for help in order to be able to pass over and/or they sense that you sense them and they want someone to communicate with.  Other times, it may simply be because they like your energy and simply want to be around you or your space.  And in some cases, it is because you have a gift that you are learning about and they are a part of your learning process.   In specific regards to demons, I have found that their main mission and goal is to sabotage us (mankind) in general and this is especially true of anyone who is a light-worker (working on some level or another for the betterment of mankind or has the potential to do so).  So in other words, when it comes to demons, they can be attracted to you in order to keep you down where you may already be, or if you are striving to become "more," they may also be attracted to you in order to sabotage that process.  It is unnerving to me the vast amount of people and places that harbor demons.  

In regards to a place or location, sometimes a soul/ghost/spirit has a familiarity with a location or place from when they were alive, sometimes it is because that is where they died, and sometimes it is because of the people and energy of those who reside or have resided at a particular location that draw them there.  Demons can be in a place or location simply to sabotage those in the dwelling or space or to cause chaos in the lives of those in that space. 

How Do You Know If You Have A Soul/Ghost/Spirit Around You?

  • You feel there is an unseen presence around you, or “something is just not right.”
  • You think you see something or catch a glimpse of something or someone out of the corner of your eye.
  • You sense someone while you are sleeping that feels too intimate, too close, and/or not appropriate (physically or sexually).
  • You have reoccurring bad dreams/nightmares
  • Thoughts and ideas pop into your head that surprise you and definitely don’t seem like you
  • You think you hear someone calling your name
  • Lights, appliances, faucets, or electronics seem to turn on and off at will
  • You get that "cold" or "creepy" feeling that gives you goose-bumps or chills up your spine
  • Your dog or cat intently looks at something that you can't see, and can get agitated and/or starts barking
  • You smell out of place fragrances such as flowers, aftershave, perfume, cigar / pipe / cigarette smoke, or other strange odors
  • You can hear things like knocking, footsteps or low or muffled voices or other strange noises in your home
  • Your young children are afraid of certain rooms or areas
  • You feel drained of energy for no logical reason
  • Things move without explanation or vanish or are thrown around
  • You are challenged by alcohol or drug addiction, or suicidal thoughts.
  • You struggle with depression, anxiety, tension, negativity, anger, or manic depressive mood swings and you can’t seem to understand why
  • You experience a family member or friend being controlled by unexplainable anger, addiction, mood swings, depression, or suicidal thoughts.
  • You feel blocked, held back, cursed or that you have bad luck.

Do all souls/ghosts/spirits need to pass over? 

Yes, it is in the best interest of all souls/ghosts/spirits that they pass over, even if they are not bothersome or were someone you considered a friend or loved one.  In some instances, if they have valid reasons for remaining here for the time being, I will not be allowed to pass them over and will let you know.  But in most cases, they should be sent onward with love, regardless of their demeanor, behavior, energy, or activity here on this plane, either when they were alive or now that they have died.

How do others typically deal with souls/ghosts/spirits?

There are a lot of techniques out there for how to rid oneself of souls/ghosts/spirits that may be hanging around.  Some include rituals like using sage, holy water, crystals, sweeping, sprinkling salt, ignoring/requesting/demanding/praying that souls/ghosts/spirits leave, white lighting the area or person of concern, etc.  I am not here to offer my opinion on any of those.  If they work for you, that is great.  I have two concerns about them, however.  1) The soul/ghost/spirit may or may not listen to you or heed your ritual, 2) If the soul/ghost/spirit does leave your immediate presence, they are still here on this earth plane and may move on to bother someone else, 3) If there is something about you and your energy field that is drawing them, then although this soul/ghost/spirit may leave, you may very well draw another, 4) The departure of the soul/ghost/spirit may only be temporary unless they are passed over, and  5) All souls/ghosts/spirits really do need to pass over to the other side.

How do I deal with souls/ghosts/spirits?

First of all, when dealing with souls/ghosts/spirits, distance, time, and space are not important.  Those are things that we deal with on the physical plane.  As a result, I can do the same work whether I am physically present or working remotely from a distance.  What I have found in dealing with souls/ghosts/spirits is that their human residual emotional and other energies are typically what are holding them back. So, I do the Emotional Energetic Clearing work (www.EmotionalEnergeticHealing.com) on them that I would do with them if they were alive, to help them clear out their emotional residue.  But, unlike humans here on earth with physical bodies, their residual human energies are much easier to help them clear and in most instances they are then ready to pass over to the other side.  If not, then I continue to work on clearing out any remaining blockages and resistance to their passing over.  Once that is done and I have their consent and agreement that they are ready to pass over, I simply help them with a column of pure white light to pass over to the other side.


Yes, in doing the work that I do and having some of the more difficult cases passed on to me by others, I finally found myself running up against something worse that being affected by a soul/spirit/ghost hanging around.  Demons.  Demons are destructive beings that are here to sabotage us on different layers and levels.  I have to admit that for the majority of my life, I did not believe in demons, but believed them to simply be "religious archetypal figures."  But, at this point, based on my experiences with difficult situations that I came across, I have no choice but to acknowledge their existence and I now work to eradicate them.  If these are found, I will handle and remove them as well.  I have found these on people who draw this kind of dark, negative energy to them as well as on good people who draw them because of the Light and the good they do or can potentially do on this planet. Either way, these definitely need to be removed as they can sabotage an individual, a relationship (professional or personal) between a person and another or others, the relationship between a person and their own selves, and also a person's relationship with God/Creator/Source/Universe.  They can also be attached to different layers of a person's being, chakras, and life issues or conditions.  While I can remove a demon or demons so that those specific ones are unable to return, I have yet to find anyone or anything that can remove their coming around permanently.  I have heard many stories of people promised a permanent "cure," but have not yet found anything that has worked for anyone.  It can still be beneficial to have these removed if they are around, because life seems to get better and flow more like it should once they are removed. 

Does everyone need a removal?

I don't check everyone that I run into in my day to day life as I simply don't have the bandwidth for that, but for those that I run across and check, for whatever reason, I find some people that are completely clear of attachments.  I find others who may need a Removal and then are good.  And then I find those with multiple layers and levels of removal required and get attachments frequently.  And I find those who seem to be in a constant battle with attachments sabotaging them and their lives.  Do I understand always why one person has none and others may have many?  Unfortunately, not yet as there are a myriad of reasons and times during one's life where they may have collected attachments.  In fact, some people may have had attached beings for so long, that they simply assume that how they are and how things are is simply just the way that it is  and don't realize that some of that may be due to an attached or multiple attached beings.  Until they have a removal done, that is.  And then many people get to where they can sense and know when things or themselves are "off."

What to expect from a soul/ghost/spirit/entity/demon removal

Typically after a soul/ghost/spirit/entity/demon has been Removed, a person may feel a feeling of relief like a dark or negative energy has been lifted, they may no longer be afraid, their life situation/personality/emotions may improve, they may feel more comfortable in their space again, whatever annoying or scary activities that were happening will cease, etc.  They may also have a more subtle experience like feeling more at peace, less anxious, and less chatter in their heads, as a couple of other examples. I can't give specific examples or make any claims as the experience can be different for each individual person.  I have literally seen people and lives transformed after a soul/ghost/spirit/entity/demon removal, sometimes being an immediate result and other times the results being over the course of a couple of months.  Either way, that particular soul/ghost/spirit will have been passed over or that particular entity/demon that was Removed will not ever return again.  If it was a loved one that was passed over (soul/ghost/spirit), they may from time to time visit and check in, but it will be with that of a different energy as they are now coming from Source/God/Creator and from a place of love, concern, and guidance.  In regards to an entity/demon removal, I've seen and hear of all kinds of results form the people that I work with.  From my own personal experience, I have found personal pains, sleep issues, destructive emotional/mental thinking, anxiety/stress, issues with things in my immediate environment breaking down or having problems, and frustration or frustrating experiences to be remedied with a Removal of an attachment on myself. So when these types of experience start happening to me, I know I need to check for a Removal as one possibility. **Please keep in mind that this has been my experience, but may not be yours.  Everyone is different in how they experience attachments.  **Please note, Removal is not a panacea for all the issues and problems in a person's life.  You may still need to address any physical, emotional, mental, energetic, and spiritual complaints or problems with the appropriate parties who can help you in dealing with these issues. Neither SpiritRemovalServices.com nor Mark Bans make any claims regarding Removal.  Removal, or any of the information provided on this website regarding Removal, is in no way an attempt to diagnose, treat, or cure any physical, emotional, mental, or medical condition.**