Methods of Protection

I often get asked with the work that I do, what is the best way to protect yourself from attracting and attaching souls, entities, and demons.  This is a difficult question to answer as I have yet to find anything that keeps them away 100% permanently and for good.  I am, however, familiar with several ways that can help that I will list below. But, first and foremost, it is important to understand and realize that these things exist and it is an unfortunate part of life that happens to many of us at some point or another, even me. So, it's important to not get caught up in fear.  Fear is a big draw for them and it gives them power and takes your power away.  

As I learn more and more with the work that I do, I hope to be able to add to the list below. 

As far as I know, there are 5 ways that I am familiar with for helping to keep souls/spirits, and demons away.  They consist of 1) Prayer, 2) Hands-on Heart work, 3) White Lighting, 4) Smudging with sage, 5) Emotional Energetic Work (or something similar).  If there are other ways that you have found or believe to be effective, please let me know.

  • Prayer - Because Prayer is done differently by so many people and according to different religions, and even within divisions of a particular religion, I will not address it here. I simply ask that you either look online at sample options that are out there (for example, searching “prayers to keep away evil spirits,” etc.), ask your pastor/preacher/priest/rabbi/etc. for an appropriate or recommended prayer, or create one of your own based on what you find from your inquiring with both of the above and fixing it to meet your own particular needs and belief systems.  I am often asked if prayer is enough and I am sad to say that I wish it was.  If so, then there would be an easy solution and this website would not be needed.  And, there would also be a lot of religious people out there that would be immune to attachments.  Sadly, this is not the case.  Free Will exists on this plane and affects the things that are currently allowed to happen here, to us. 
  • Hands-On Work (see below).
  • White Lighting (see below).
  • Smudging is a Native American tradition that you can research more online if you like, simply search “smudging” or “how to smudge.”  Smudging can be good for cleansing a physical location.  Smudging together with prayer can be a good combination as well.
  • Emotional Energetic Clearing (see below).

Hands-On – Heart Space / Heart Chakra

The Sacred Heart Space is depicted in Christian paintings, stained glass images, books, etc. as the image of the Heart of Christ or for Catholics it can include the Virgin Mary.  It is also referred to as the Heart Chakra (the 4th chakra or energy center) in the Hindu, Shakta, and Buddhist religions. The Heart Space / Heart Chakra is the energetic body center that allows us to express and give unconditional love, warmth, and compassion to and from Creator, to and from others, and to and from ourselves.  It is the optimal space that we want to be in when we are connecting with ourselves, others, and God/Creator/Source/Universe.  In the ideal world, we would all want to live and be in a Heart Space all the time and if this were the case, we would not want to harm or injure others or ourselves.  When we do hands-on work on the Heart Space/Heart Chakra, it is so that we can get into the most loving space possible.  It is a way of communing with God/Spirit and metaphorically saying, “I open myself up to the highest of Love.”  Many people don’t realize that we can do this for ourselves anytime, anywhere.  God is always available to us.  All we need do is connect (“seek and ye shall find”).

How to do it: Close your eyes, breath regularly, and put both hands over your heart and mentally say (over and over if you’d like), “I acknowledge God’s healing energy, light, love, and protection” or “I acknowledge God’s healing energy, light, love, wisdom, guidance, and protection” (as I myself do it) and feel the interaction between your hands and your chest. This brings together the intention that you are open to Divine Energy, Love, and Healing flowing down through your hands to you.  Do this for several minutes or as long as you want or need to.  It is good to practice this daily, especially upon waking and while waiting to fall asleep. It is also beneficial before important discussions or interactions with those you love where you absolutely want to make sure you are in the most loving space possible.  You may find that with time and practice, you’ll not only feel your hands getting warmer, but you’ll feel yourself shift into more of a loving, meditative “heart-space.”   Also, with practice, you’ll find it much easier and quicker to get into this heart space when you want and/or need to!

Just think of how much better the world would be if we all did this daily!

White Lighting

White Light represents God’s Love, Power, and Protection in its purest form. The exercise of White Lighting is the mental/visual/intentional acknowledgment of God’s (aka Creator/Source/Universe’s) healing energy, light, love, wisdom, guidance, and protection around you.

How to White Light/White Light Meditate: 

First, find a comfortable, safe spot where you aren’t likely to be interrupted, and close your eyes and imagine a big beam of Divine White Light up in the heavens above you.  Then slowly imagine this big beam of white light slowly coming down and encompassing the area around you, cleansing, clearing, balancing and protecting it.  Next, imagine an opening at the top of your head that allows this White Light of God’s energy in to slowly travel down through your body, cleansing, healing, clearing, and balancing all the energy in your body as it goes.  Take your time with this and do this until every part of your body is enveloped and saturated with this Divine White Light Energy.  Once you get to the bottom of your feet, imagine an opening in the bottom of each foot, which then allows this Divine Healing Energy to flow freely through you and connect down to the center of the earth.  Then spend as much time as you’d like experiencing this Divine energy flowing through you.  Often times you will feel your energy shift and relax, so much so that you might even get sleepy.  Once this is done, you can expand the Divine White Light to encompass your home and those who are in it or, if at a distance, you can also visualize this Divine White Light cleansing and protecting any location or any person or set of people.  Simply visualize Divine Light coming down to encompass the people or the location you desire.

Doing Hands-On Heart Work first is a great way to get into the most loving space before you do the Divine White Lighting exercise.  As with all things, practicing this routinely will get you to be an expert at getting into this space quicker and easier, so that you don’t have to be in an isolated setting or take a long time to do it.  It will become second nature and you can quickly call on it anytime, anywhere even if your eyes are open and you are interacting with the world.

Emotional Energetic Healing

I have been doing Emotional Energetic Clearing Sessions for many years now (, mostly helping others to clear emotional/energetic issues affecting themselves, their relationships, and their lives.  I have been Asking for help with keeping demoons away and have had to sadly tell others that I knew of now way to keep them away, only how to Remove them.  Then in the middle of the night in 2019, in a half awake/half asleep slumber, I saw the human energy field like an egg around a person and thought to myself, that it shouldn't be permeable to anything outside of it and it also shouldn't be able to be affected from within by something outside of it, in the case of a person who may be super sensitive to what's outside of it/around it.  Then it dawned on me that perhaps it was the Energy Field itself that was somehow weakened and therefore was allowing for the attachments.  In terms of a Star Trek type lingo to describe it, "Shields may not be at 100%, Captain."  So, I started working on a series of Emotional Energetic Clearing steps to help work to strengthen and remove any emotional/energetic causes of a a person's energy field not being at 100%, at least in regards to demons and demon attachments.  I am pleased to say that while not 100% for everyone (I have yet to find anything that is), I can report that many of the people who I have worked with on this have had little to no attachments since and if so, it's been far and few between compared to what their situation was once like.  But, again, a word of caution here - I can make no promises and each person's journey and experience is still their own.  Though I now do have hope and I know that I'm onto something!  **Please note that I am not saying that this is the only way or a guaranteed way.  But, I feel that this is an important aspect to consider and there may be other techniques out there that address this in some way and I may simply not be aware of them at this time."